dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'x' missing
Solution 1:
He fixed it reinstalling the files that appeared there. So you might want to try something like this:
for package in $(apt-get upgrade 2>&1 |\
grep "warning: files list file for package '" |\
grep -Po "[^'\n ]+'" | grep -Po "[^']+"); do
apt-get install --reinstall "$package";
Copy-paste friendly in one line:
for package in $(apt-get upgrade 2>&1 | grep "warning: files list file for package '" | grep -Po "[^'\n ]+'" | grep -Po "[^']+"); do apt-get install --reinstall "$package"; done
Be aware, that running this command takes some time, as we cycle through every package.
In some cases apt upgrade
doesn't show the errors therefore you can reinstall one package (for example x) which gives the error and execute like this:
for package in $(apt-get install --reinstall x 2>&1 |\
grep "warning: files list file for package '" |\
grep -Po "[^'\n ]+'" | grep -Po "[^']+"); do
apt-get install --reinstall "$package";
Solution 2:
Above answer didn't worked for me completely. Couple of packages, namely libc6, were still showing this error.
I found a solution on one forum. Bug is that new version of libc didn't echoed list of files to correct file. Instead of echoing it to /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6:amd64.list
it echoed it to /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.list
It can be fixed by running (adjust for your latest version and arch of libc6):
dpkg-deb -c /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.13-38_amd64.deb | awk {'print $6'} | cut -f2- -d. | sed 's|^/$|/.|' | sed 's|/$||' > /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6:amd64.list
Source: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=93201
Good luck to whoever would read this in future and finds it usable.
Solution 3:
Try saving this script:
for package in $(sudo apt-get install catdoc 2>&1 | grep "warning: files list file for package '" | grep -Po "[^'\n ]+'" | grep -Po "[^']+");
sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall "$package"
Then, execute it with
sudo /bin/bash ./scriptname
This took a bit of extra work and some other commands too though like
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo apt-mark hold packagename
sudo dpkg -r --force-depends packagename
along with removing and reinstalling some specific packages.
This takes a fair bit of time and effort, still an apt-get
will show a few errors though.