Draw a line through one column of a matrix


  a & b & c  \\
  d & e & f\makebox(-6,0){\rule[1ex]{0.4pt}{3\normalbaselineskip}}\\
  g & h & i


enter image description here

And a line only through f and i:

d & e & f\makebox(-6,0){\rule[-7ex]{0.4pt}{2\normalbaselineskip}}\\

enter image description here

The usual TikZ answer using \tikzmark to mark the top and bottom points where you want the line to be drawn:

enter image description here


  • This does require two runs. First one to determine the locations, and the second to do the drawing.


  • \tikzmark is from Adding a large brace next to a body of text.



\newcommand{\tikzmark}[2]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture,baseline] \node [anchor=base] (#1) {$#2$};}

  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \draw[#1] (#2.north) -- (#3.south);

  \tikzmark{topA}{a} & \tikzmark{topB}b & {0} \\
  a & b & 0 \\
  a & b & 0 \\
  \tikzmark{bottomA}{c} & \tikzmark{bottomB}d & {1}
\DrawLine[red, thick, opacity=0.5]{topA}{bottomA}

  a & b & 0 \\
  a & b & 0 \\
  a & b & 0 \\
  c & d & 1

enter image description here

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