Draw single-vertex Feynman diagram

It's of course also always possible to use TikZ. In lack of a better reason, then just for the fun in it ;-)




    mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{>}}}

\path[pattern=north east lines] plot[smooth] coordinates{(0,1) (.7,.5) (.9,-.6) (0,-.5) (-.8,-.8) (-.5,.8) (0,1)}; % External source

\draw[draw=white,double=red,very thick,decorate,decoration=snake]  (0,0) -- (0,2) node[right,pos=0.7,red] {$\gamma$}; % Photon

\draw[thick,postaction={decorate}]  (-2,3) node[left] {$e^-$} -- (0,2) node[above,pos=0.5] {$k_i$}; % Electron
\draw[thick,postaction={decorate}]  (0,2) -- (2,3) node[right] {$e^-$} node[above,pos=0.5] {$k_f$};



Feynman diagram

You need to define an external vertex also for the blob, with something like \fmfbottom{b}.

Using feynmp-auto you can avoid running metapost. Run pdflatex twice.

    % Define two vertices on the left, but only `i2' will be actually used.
    % The same on the right.
    % Define the vertex for the blob.
    \fmf{photon}{v1,b} \fmfblob{.15w}{b}
    % Labels on vertices.
    \fmflabel{e\(^{-}\)}{i2} \fmflabel{e\(^{-}\)}{o2}

This is the result:

You need to define two vertices on both sides because the diagram would be too flat otherwise. With this code


the result would be

This example should help you understand why it's better using dummy vertices on both sides:



