Draw Vertices of Regular Polygon

You can use the regular polygon shape from the shapes.geometric library, setting draw=none. Giving the node the name a, the vertices will be named a.corner 1, a.corner 2 etc.


% create the node
\node[draw=none,minimum size=2cm,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6] (a) {};

% draw a black dot in each vertex
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,6}
  \fill (a.corner \x) circle[radius=2pt];


Time to call \foreach. Of course, it is possible to use a lot of other tools.


\foreach \a in {0,60,...,300} { %\a is the angle variable
\draw[fill] (\a:2cm) circle (1pt); % 2cm is the radius; 1pt is the radius of the small bullet

enter image description here

Here are some other possible options, if you want to change colors.

\draw[line width=.7pt,blue,fill=yellow] (\a:1.5cm) circle (2pt);

enter image description here

Here is a PSTricks solution (with some extra features -- just remove the code not needed or outcomment it):


%  locale = DE,
  round-mode = places,
  round-precision = 2

% calculations

\psset{dimen = m}


% constants

  % centre
  % regular polygon with dots at corners
      PolyNbSides = \sides,
      unit = \radius
 {\psset{linestyle = dashed}
  % inscribed circle
  % circumscribed circle
  % dots with labels at the corners and lines from the centre to the corners
  \multido{\r = 0+\Angle, \i = 1+1}{\sides}{
      angle = \r,
      linestyle = dotted
      linecolor = red
  % dot at centre
    linecolor = blue!60
  % label position
    linestyle = none,
    offset = 9pt
  % label
  \ncput{$r = \num[round-mode = off]{\radius}$}


Regular $\sides$-gon with side length~$s = \num{\sidelength}$.

