Drawing stones and pebbles under seafloor
Another two options, first using \pgfdeclarepatternformonly
within tikzpicture environment to enable to use basic tikz code instructions like \draw
instead \pgfpath...
, the issue is that only accept paths, so filling with shades is not available; for this reason the second option is done using basic tikz code in drawing definitions to not repeat the code many times and creating another definition like a pattern
helped with clip
and foreach
ultra thin,
rounded corners=.5mm,
top color=brown!20,
bottom color=brown!20!gray
% The border decoration is a path replacing decorator.
% For the interface style we want to draw the original path.
% The postaction option is therefore used to ensure that the
% border decoration is drawn *after* the original path.
amplitude=0.3cm,segment length=2mm}}
\def\stone(#1)[#2][#3]{%Drawing manually some shape
\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)},rotate=#2,scale=#3,transform shape]
\draw[line width=0.25pt,rounded corners=1pt]
(15:3pt) -- (45:4pt) -- (89:5pt)--(135:6pt) -- (150:3pt) -- (182:4pt)--(235:6pt) -- (280:3pt) -- (330:2pt) -- cycle;
%Declare a new pattern ¿form only?
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly{pebless under sea floor}{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}{\pgfqpoint{15pt}{15pt}}{\pgfqpoint{15pt}{15pt}}%
\draw[line width=0.25pt,rotate=-45] (5.5pt,10pt) ellipse (1pt and 2pt);
\draw[line width=0.25pt] (12pt,10pt) circle (0.7pt);
%Create a second shape to create a brute force pattern...
\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)},rotate=#2,scale=#3,transform shape]
(15:3pt) -- (45:4pt) -- (89:5pt)--(135:6pt) -- (150:3pt) -- (182:4pt)--(235:6pt) -- (280:3pt) -- (330:2pt) -- cycle;
\def\stonepattern(#1){%Brute force pattern
\clip (0,0) rectangle ++(15pt,15pt);
\draw[line width=0.25pt,rotate=-45,myshade] (5.5pt,10pt) ellipse (1pt and 2pt);
\draw[line width=0.25pt,myshade] (12pt,10pt) circle (0.7pt);
%Start drawing the thing
\clip[rounded corners=0.2cm] (0,2) rectangle ++(12,-3);
\fill [cyan!10] (0,0) rectangle ++(12,2);
\fill[fill=brown!25, rounded corners=1mm, opacity=0.5]
(0,0) rectangle ++(12,-1);
%Drawing sea floor using pattern
\fill[pattern=pebless under sea floor] (0,0) rectangle ++(6,-1);
%Dragind sea floor using brute force...
\clip(6,0) rectangle ++(6,-1);
\foreach \x in {0,...,11}{
\foreach \y in{0,...,2}{
\draw [thick, black,interface] (0,0)--(13,0);
Conceptually the problem of drawing the stones is very similar to what has been done in this answer, which I am recycling here. This allows you to avoid overlaps.
\newcommand\irregularcircle[1]{% radius, irregularity
\foreach \a in {30,60,...,330}{
let \n1 = {(#1)+rand*(0.2*#1)} in
-- +(\a:\n1)
} -- cycle
%from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/87518/121799
\foreach \i in {1,...,#7}{
\foreach \element [count=\i] in \xlist{
\pgfmathsetmacro\checkdistance{ sqrt( ({\xlist}[\j]-(\x))^2 + ({\ylist}[\j]-(\y))^2 ) }
\ifdim\checkdistance pt<\diameter pt
\draw[black!50,ultra thin,rounded corners=.5mm,
top color=brown!20,bottom color=brown!20!gray,
shading angle={(0.5+rand)*20}]
(\x,\y) \irregularcircle{0.21cm};
decorate,decoration={snake,post length=1.4mm,amplitude=2mm,
segment length=2mm},thick},
% The border decoration is a path replacing decorator.
% For the interface style we want to draw the original path.
% The postaction option is therefore used to ensure that the
% border decoration is drawn *after* the original path.
amplitude=0.3cm,segment length=2mm}}
\draw [draw=none, fill=cyan!10, rounded corners=2mm] (-2,0) rectangle
\draw [interface, thick, black] (-2,0)--(10,0);
\draw[draw=none, fill=brown!10, rounded corners=1mm, opacity=0.5]
(-2,0)rectangle (10,-1);
\clip (-2,0) rectangle (10,-2);
As for your second question: do you have a rough idea how the stones should look like? I made a proposal but it may be very different from what you're hoping to get.
It might be nicer to have the stones on the background.
\newcommand\irregularcircle[1]{% radius, irregularity
\foreach \a in {30,60,...,330}{
let \n1 = {(#1)+rand*(0.2*#1)} in
-- +(\a:\n1)
} -- cycle
%from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/87518/121799
\foreach \i in {1,...,#7}{
\foreach \element [count=\i] in \xlist{
\pgfmathsetmacro\checkdistance{ sqrt( ({\xlist}[\j]-(\x))^2 + ({\ylist}[\j]-(\y))^2 ) }
\ifdim\checkdistance pt<\diameter pt
\draw[black!50,ultra thin,rounded corners=.5mm,
top color=brown!20,bottom color=brown!20!gray,
shading angle={(0.5+rand)*20}]
(\x,\y) \irregularcircle{0.21cm};
decorate,decoration={snake,post length=1.4mm,amplitude=2mm,
segment length=2mm},thick},
% The border decoration is a path replacing decorator.
% For the interface style we want to draw the original path.
% The postaction option is therefore used to ensure that the
% border decoration is drawn *after* the original path.
amplitude=0.3cm,segment length=2mm}}
\draw [draw=none, fill=cyan!10, rounded corners=2mm] (-2,0) rectangle
\clip (-2,0) rectangle (10,-2);
\draw[draw=none, fill=brown!10, rounded corners=1mm, opacity=0.5]
(-2,0)rectangle (10,-1);
\draw [interface, thick, black] (-2,0)--(10,0);