Dropping column with foreign key Laravel error: General error: 1025 Error on rename

You can use this:


If you take a peak at dropForeign source, it will build the foreign key index name for you if you pass the column name as an array.

It turns out; when you create a foreign key like this:


Laravel uniquely names the foreign key reference like this:

despatch_discrepancies_pick_detail_id_foreign (in my case)

Therefore, when you want to drop a column with foreign key reference, you have to do it like this:



Laravel 4.2+ introduces a new naming convention:


I had multiple foreign keys in my table and then I had to remove foreign key constraints one by one by passing column name as index of the array in down method:

public function up()
    Schema::table('offices', function (Blueprint $table) {


 * Reverse the migrations.
 * @return void
public function down()
    Schema::table('offices', function (Blueprint $table) {

Using below statement does not work


Because dropForeign does not consider them seperate columns that we want to remove. So we have to drop them one by one.