Dynamic Linkage of LocatorPane and InputField

Consider the following refactoring of your code

First, the locator pane is used to set a point location constrained on a circle with unit radius (this part borrowed heavily from an example in the documentation for LocatorPane). A degree value is then calculated from the coordinates of tha tpoint.

Secondly, the input field is used to read in a degree value, which is then used to update the position of the dynamic point pt using the second argument of Dynamic.

  {pt = {0, 1.}},
    "Degrees:", Dynamic[(ArcTan @@ pt)/Degree],
        Dynamic[Arrow[{{0, 0}, pt/Norm[pt]}]]
      Appearance -> None
      Dynamic[(ArcTan @@ pt)/Degree, (pt = N@{Cos[#1 Degree], Sin[#1 Degree]}) &],
      FieldSize -> Tiny
    }, Alignment -> Center

This keeps both fields in sync with each other:

animation shows the locator and input field working together

An alternative way to use Experimental`AngularSlider is to use a single dynamic variable and limit the angles to the range 0 to 360 using {0,360} as the second argument of AngularSlider:

DynamicModule[{z = 120}, 
 Column[{Experimental`AngularSlider[Dynamic[z], {0, 360}, 
   Experimental`BoundaryAction -> "Clip"], 
   InputField[Dynamic[z], ImageSize -> {100, 24}, BaseStyle -> 16]}, 
  Alignment -> Center]]

enter image description here

To display angles in radians and degrees and allow the slider to move around the clock:

DynamicModule[{z = 120}, 
 Panel @ Column[{Style["Degree", 16], 
    Overlay[{Experimental`AngularSlider[Dynamic[z,(z = Round[#, 1]) &], {0, 360}, 
       Experimental`BoundaryAction -> "Wrap", ImageSize -> 200], 
      Graphics[{Text[Framed[Style[Dynamic[Round[z,1]] °, 16], FrameStyle -> None], 
         Scaled @ {3/4, 4/10}, {-1, 1}], 
       Text[Framed[Style[Dynamic[Round[z Degree, Pi/2^7] ], 16], FrameStyle -> None],
        Scaled @ {3/4, 4/10}, {-1, -1}]}]}, All, 1], 
    InputField[Dynamic[z, (z = Round[#, 1]) &], ImageSize -> {100, 24}, BaseStyle -> 16]},
   Alignment -> Center]]

enter image description here

If you want to play with various options of Experimental`AngularSlider you can use


enter image description here

Here is a simplified demo linking an InputField[] with Experimental`AngularSlider[]:

DynamicModule[{x = 0., u = 0.}, 
              Column[{Experimental`AngularSlider[Dynamic[x, (x = #; u = x/Degree) &]], 
                      InputField[Dynamic[u, (u = #; x = u Degree) &], Number]}]]

linking AngularSlider and InputField

Clicking on the AngularSlider[] updates the value in the InputField[], and entering a (degree) value in the InputField[] moves the slider to the specified angle.