Dynamically adding roles to a user
Assuming that you have the right relation "subscriptions" in your User Entity.
You can maybe try something like :
public function getRoles()
$todayDate = new DateTime();
$activesSubscriptions = $this->subscriptions->filter(function($entity) use ($todayDate) {
return (($todayDate >= $entity->dateBegin()) && ($todayDate < $entity->dateEnd()));
if (!isEmpty($activesSubscriptions)) {
return array('ROLE_OK');
return array('ROLE_KO');
Changing role can be done with :
$sc = $this->get('security.context')
$user = $sc->getToken()->getUser();
// Assuming that "main" is your firewall name :
$token = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken($user, null, 'main', $user->getRoles());
But after a page change, the refreshUser function of the provider is called and sometimes, as this is the case with EntityUserProvider, the role is overwrite by a query. You need a custom provider to avoid this.
I think you would do better setting up a custom voter and attribute.
* @Route("/whatever/")
* @Template
public function viewAction()
// etc...
role (aka attribute) would need to be handled by a custom voter class.
class SubscriptionVoter implements VoterInterface
private $em;
public function __construct($em)
$this->em = $em;
public function supportsAttribute($attribute)
return 0 === strpos($attribute, 'SUBSCRIPTION_');
public function supportsClass($class)
return true;
public function vote(TokenInterface $token, $object, array $attributes)
// run your query and return either...
// * VoterInterface::ACCESS_GRANTED
// * VoterInterface::ACCESS_ABSTAIN
// * VoterInterface::ACCESS_DENIED
You would need to configure and tag your voter:
class: SubscriptionVoter
public: false
arguments: [ @doctrine.orm.entity_manager ]
- { name: security.voter }