Dynamically Load fonts

May be a bit late, but I accomplished it using Google's WebfontLoader Library. It did the job for me.

This is how I implemented:

Step 1: Include the JS file of the library

Step 2: The below code did the trick for me

google: {
  families: ['Droid Sans']
fontactive: function(familyName,fvd){ //This is called once font has been rendered in browser
    // Your business logic goes here


You can also load custom fonts apart from google fonts. Library also provides various callback functions and other cool stuffs. You can check out the above link.

Unfortunately loading a font is not supported 100% by JavaScript. but there is a work about this to support it in future:

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSS_Font_Loading_API https://drafts.csswg.org/css-font-loading/

You can now use the Font Loading API to detect when all fonts have been loaded. This should work in most modern browsers.

// Wait until all fonts are loaded:
document.fonts.ready.then(() => init());