Easiest way to combine date and time strings to single datetime object using Python

Use datetime.combine:

import datetime as dt
mytime = dt.datetime.strptime('0130','%H%M').time()
mydatetime = dt.datetime.combine(dt.date.today(), mytime)

If you can load the time into a datetime.time, you can use the following code

import datetime

dt = datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 12)
tm = datetime.time(1, 30)

combined = dt.combine(dt, tm)



2012-02-12 01:30:00

Just a short version:

from datetime import datetime
print datetime.combine(datetime.strptime("5 Mar 12", "%d %b %y"), datetime.strptime("0130","%H%M").time())


2012-03-05 01:30:00