Eclipse Debug: Source Not Found while remote debugging

In the Java build path for the project, under the sources tab, check if your class path is under the included list. If its under the excluded list, remove it from there.

I faced same issue and got solved by below steps in eclipse.

  1. Go to Severs tab in your Eclipse tab
  2. Right click on the server and click on Add and Remove Projects
  3. Select/add the project EAR which you want to debug
  4. After finish - Start your server in debug mode

Should solve with above steps as it resolved for me:)

In this scenario just follow the following steps:

  1. Go to Run → Debug Configurations
  2. Select the remote application configuration being debugged.
  3. Select the second tab named 'Source'
  4. Now add the folder/projects containing the source code explicitly here.

As Saury said, get your debug configuration right. When remote debugging, often developers have selected the wrong project while creating a new configuration. Verify you select the project you wish to debug and it corresponds to the version of the deployed WAR/EAR/JAR in the appliation container.