Ecto association with a condition

Conditional associations are now available in Ecto:

defmodule Post do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "posts" do
    has_many :public_comments, Comment, where: [public: true]

Until recently, this wasn't available in Ecto. The other answer to this question provides the current details. There was a lengthy discussion about how to add it this GitHub issue.

In older versions of Ecto, you could use a composable query for this:

defmodule MyApp.Comment do
  ...schema, etc.

  def fancy(query) do
    from c in query,
      where: type == 0

  def normal(query) do
    from c in query,
      where: type == 1

You can then use has_many :comments, MyApp.Comment and query based on that:

assoc(post, :comments) |> Comment.fancy() |> Repo.all()

Here is a blog post about composable queries.

You can also use a preload with a query:

fancy_query = from(c in Comments, where: type == 0)
Repo.preload(post, comments: fancy_query)