Edit and create with ng2-smart-table

in your template add this

     <ng2-smart-table class='form-control' [settings]="settings" [source]="source"  (deleteConfirm)="onDeleteConfirm($event)" (editConfirm)="onSaveConfirm($event)"
 (createConfirm)="onCreateConfirm($event)"  ></ng2-smart-table> 

and then in your component call the new actions

onCreateConfirm(event):void { 

onSaveConfirm(event):void {

onDeleteConfirm(event): void {

I wanted to comment on Yousef Al Kahky's answer but im new so i have to answer again:

You also have to add confirmCreate: true, otherwise the method won't be invoked.

add: {
  addButtonContent: '<i class="nb-plus"></i>',
  createButtonContent: '<i class="nb-checkmark"></i>',
  cancelButtonContent: '<i class="nb-close"></i>',
  confirmCreate: true,