ElasticBeanstalk Java, spring active profile

ElasticBeanStack Web UI has a tab named Configuration. Inside that,there will be a Box (Card ) named software Configuration. There you need to set SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to prod

enter image description here

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AWS EB doesn't pass variables with dots in names to deployed app. You have to replace dots with underscores and use upper case, e.g.:


Similarly With AWS LAMBDA:

In $ sam local you add the following line in your sam template yml file:

                  SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: local

But in AWS Console: in your Lambda Environment variables just add:

KEY:JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS VALUE:-Dspring.profiles.active=dev

enter image description here

The casing is different when set as an Environment Variable versus the command line property. Try setting SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE in your EB Configuration.