elementwise combination of two lists in R
expand.grid(list.a, list.b)
gives you the desired result in a data.frame
. This tends to be the most useful format for working with data in R. However, you could get the exact structure you ask for (save the ordering) with a call to apply
and lapply
result.df <- expand.grid(list.a, list.b)
result.list <- lapply(apply(result.df, 1, identity), unlist)
If you want this list ordered by the first element:
result.list <- result.list[order(sapply(result.list, head, 1))]
You want mapply
(if by "recursively" you mean "in parallel"):
mapply(c, list.a, list.b, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
Or maybe this is more what you want:
unlist(lapply(list.a, function(a) lapply(list.b, function (b) c(a, b))), recursive=FALSE)