Drupal - Embedding a webform inside a node content

There are several ways to do this. The method I normally use it to make a custom Panel page for my node. The content area will contain the "node being viewed" as well as a custom block that renders out my form.

The easiest way, though, is to use the Webform module, and you can build your forms with the UI and easily attach them to a content type.

I think this function (embed webform in a node) is available in the latest Webform module.

Goto content > your-webform-node > edit > webform > form settings > advanced settings > available as block.

In case you are using the webform module mentioned by the others (i prefer that solution too) and want to render the form manually in php use this snippet:

$block = module_invoke('webform', 'block_view', 'client-block-370');
print render($block['content']);

with 370 being the node_id of your webform, the rest of the parameters don't have to be changed.

