@EnableRedisHttpSession + Spring Boot ignoring server.session.timeout on application.yml

Another solution:

public class HttpSessionConfig {

    private Integer maxInactiveIntervalInMinutes;

    private RedisOperationsSessionRepository sessionRepository;

    private void afterPropertiesSet() {
        sessionRepository.setDefaultMaxInactiveInterval(maxInactiveIntervalInMinutes * 60);

In this way you use the default configuration, and just add your timeout. So you maintain the default HttpSessionListener, and you don't need to use an ApplicationListener to set the time out, just one time, in the application lifecycle.

Well, just in case someone is facing the same situation, we have 2 ways to workaround:

I. Implement the following:

public class Application {
 //some other codes here
    private Integer maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds;
    public RedisOperationsSessionRepository sessionRepository( RedisConnectionFactory factory) {
        RedisOperationsSessionRepository sessionRepository = new RedisOperationsSessionRepository(factory);
        return sessionRepository;

Unfortunately, I had to implement a listener in order to perform additional actions when a session expires. And, when you define a RedisOperationsSessionRepository, you don't have a HttpSessionListener anymore (instead of it, you have a SessionMessageListener, as described here: http://docs.spring.io/spring-session/docs/current/reference/html5/#api-redisoperationssessionrepository). Because of this question, the 2nd approach was required.

II. To overcome the problem:

public class Application implements ApplicationListener{

    private Integer maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds;

    private RedisOperationsSessionRepository redisOperation;

    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
        if (event instanceof ContextRefreshedEvent) {

Assuming that none of them are the desirable out-of-box setup, at least they allow me to continue in my PoC.

@EnableRedisHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 60)