Encrypt home drive after installation

Nanne post is a quite OLD :

install sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils

Read This How To. It's quite easy :

sudo ecryptfs-migrate-home -u USER

And follow the process. From the link:

"This will setup the encrypted home directory for the USER and use rsync to do the migration. Critically important, USER must login before the next reboot to complete the migration. USER's randomly generated mount key is temporarily stored in memory until they login, and eCryptfs picks up the key and encrypts it with their mount passphrase."

It is probably something like this

  • make an encrypted filesystem
  • move your old ~user
  • copy files to encrypted system
  • mount encrypted system as ~user

Here's a manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto3