EntityValue timeline

Use EntityProperty to add a qualifier:

ts = EntityValue[
    EntityProperty["Financial","Return",{"Date"->{DateObject@{2019,1,1}, Today}}]

enter image description here

You can extract the data using "DatePath":

ts["DatePath"] //Short[#, 5]&

enter image description here

Using Interpreter and appropriate ids from here, we can make it more general. Here is a short function.

plotCompanyFundamentalData[symbol_, startDate_, endDate_, ids_] := 
 Module[{mycompany, mycompanydata},
mycompany = EntityValue[Interpreter["Company"][symbol], "Company"];
  mycompanydata =EntityValue[mycompany,Dated[ids, 
Interval[{DateObject[startDate], DateObject[endDate]}]]];
DateListPlot[mycompanydata, PlotLabel -> symbol, PlotLegends -> ids, 
PlotTheme -> "Detailed", PlotRange -> All]]


 plotCompanyFundamentalData["AAPL", {2000, 1, 1}, {2019, 1, 1},

enter image description here