environment - solution environment for exercises (different than proof environment)
Gonzalo's answer can be easily modified to do this. Just add \renewcommand\qedsymbol{$\blacksquare$}
to the definition
You also can do that very simply with ntheorem
. Its advantage is an automatic placement of endmarks even if the environment ends in a display math environment:
\usepackage[thmmarks, amsmath, thref]{ntheorem}
\theoremseparator{. ---}
\newtheorem{varsol}{Solution (variant)}
\begin{proof}Since something is true, we have
\[ A = B. \]
\begin{solution}[of some exercise]
This is a very intricate solution.
a & = b \\ c & = d.
This solution is so very simple that it’s not even worth writing it. Just pure thought: