Equivalent for LinkedHashMap in Python

Although you can do the same thing by maintaining a list to keep track of insertion order, Python 2.7 and Python >=3.1 have an OrderedDict class in the collections module.

Before 2.7, you can subclass dict following this recipe.

I don't think so; you'd have to use a dict plus a list. But you could pretty easily wrap that in a class, and define keys, __getitem__, __setitem__, etc. to make it work the way you want.

If you're on Python 2.7 or Python >=3.1 you can use collections.OrderedDict in the standard library.

This answer to the question How do you retrieve items from a dictionary in the order that they’re inserted? contains an implementation of an ordered dict, in case you're not using Python 3.x and don't want to give yourself a dependency on the third-party ordereddict module.

I am not sure whether this is what you are asking for:

>>> dic = {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}
>>> for k, v in dic.iteritems():
...     print k, v

you can order the dic in the order of the insertion using ordereddict module.

d = ordereddict(dic, relax=True)

