Equivalent in C++ of Yield in C#?

Take a look at boost::Coroutine. It does what you want. http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/soc/coroutine/index.html#coroutine.intro

Example from tutorial


int range_generator(generator_type::self& self, int min, int max) 
   while(min < max)

You can always code this by hand. Truthfully, yield really seems like sugar coating to me (and co-routines too).

What a coroutine is, really ? Some state bundled up together with:

  • one function to create it (isn't it a constructor ?)
  • one function to move to the next state (isn't it operator++, traditionally ?)

In C++, it's called an InputIterator, and can be arbitrarily fat.

So, it's true that the syntax won't be as pretty, but this should do, just with the Standard Library:

static std::array<int, 6> const Array = {{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 16777216}};

class Integers: public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag,
                                      int, ptrdiff_t, int const*, int>
  Integers(): _index(0) {}

  operator bool() const { return _index < Array.size(); }

  Integers& operator++() { assert(*this); ++_index; return *this; }
  Integers operator++(int) { Integers tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }

  int operator*() const { assert(*this); return Array[_index]; }
  int const* operator->() const { assert(*this); return &Array[_index]; }

  size_t _index;
}; // class Integers

And obviously, since you decide exactly what state is stored, you decide if all is pre-computed or if part (or whole of it) is lazily computed, and possibly cached, and possibly multi-threaded, and ... you got the idea :)

In C++14, you can mimic yield this way:

auto&& function = []() { 
    int i = 0; 
    return [=]() mutable { 
        int arr[] = {1,2,4,8,16,16777216}; 
        if ( i < 6 ) 
            return arr[i++]; 
        return 0; 

A live example is available at http://ideone.com/SQZ1qZ

