Error 2203 while extracting msi

TrendMicro antivirus was installed on machine and it was preventing msi extraction. So once TrendMicro anti-virus was turned off installer ran successfully.

Thank you all for your answers

Great Answer guys! I was looking for a deeper error code. Cannot Open the Database file. System Error -2147287008. Which is part of the more generic Error 2203 Database? It was caused by trying to extract the MSI into the same location as the MSI itself. Hoping this will help other searching by this error code.

I had this problem due to something stupid on my part, but figured I would post in case anyone else tries this. For this extraction command line (and others I presume), DO NOT have the msi you are extracting in same folder as TARGETDIR. The windows installer seems to lock the folder during the extraction process and therefore the contents cannot be written to the same folder.