Error "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed"

appending acpi=off nomodeset xforcevesa worked for me (I have also an acer - TM4051 that halts on boot from HD)

People of non en-us keyboard-layout cultures need to know the en-us keyboard layout to do this.

The equal sign is top rightmost, the key right left before backspace:

en-us keyboard layout

Here are a few things you can try - edit into your question with results if any either does or doesn't work.

  • Some more detail info about your laptop might give some advice on what to try next. Booting from Live CD/USB...

    ...Open a terminal and type





    sudo lshw

    Copy and paste the results into your question.

  • Try turning off both power management and graphics driver loading during booting. To do this, edit /etc/default/grub, find the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line, and add acpi=off nomodeset xforcevesa. That is, the new line will probably look like:

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off nomodeset xforcevesa"
  • After that, run:

    sudo update-grub

    You can use this AU question to guide you through these two steps.

  • Then enter your BIOS settings - have a look at the following bios settings and try toggling the values one at a time and see if you can boot (assuming these options exist):

    a. Legacy USB Support
    b. Disk Management/SATA/IDE Compatability Mode

I faced the same issue today. For the Travelmate 4050 a BIOS update from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 resolved the issue as well, the setting acpi=off is not needed any more (this is very nice, because acpi=off prevents the laptop from shutting down properly).



