Error loading python27.dll error for pyinstaller
You put that code snippet right at the top of the Python script you are turning into an executable - not in the spec and not in its own script. I found an example here:
I found same error after creating a standalone executable like this:
pyi-makespec.exe -F
## Customize script.spec just created
pyinstaller.exe -F script.spec
so I needed to run the executable as administrator to solve it.
I don't know the reason because it wasn't my computer. I had done the process in mine first and worked like a charm but not there. Perhaps some security configuration or a weird installation of python or wxpython, but I add this solution here because I was looking for hours without success, and it's a simple task that can save you some time before trying more complex approaches.
Having the same issue on python3.7 on windows 10.
Fixed this by adding --upx-exclude"vcruntime140.dll"
More info can be found here