Escape a variable for use as content of another script

Bash has a parameter expansion option for exactly this case:

${parameter@Q} The expansion is a string that is the value of parameter quoted in a format that can be reused as input.

So in this case:


This is supported in Bash 4.4 and up. There are several options for other forms of expansion as well, and for specifically generating complete assignment statements (@A).

Bash provides a printf builtin with %q format specifier, which performs shell escaping for you, even in older (<4.0) versions of Bash:

printf '[%q]\n' "Ne'er do well"
# Prints [Ne\'er\ do\ well]

printf '[%q]\n' 'Sneaky injection $( whoami ) `ls /root`'
# Prints [Sneaky\ injection\ \$\(\ whoami\ \)\ \`ls\ /root\`]

This trick can also be used to return arrays of data from a function:

function getData()
  printf '%q ' "He'll say hi" 'or `whoami`' 'and then $( byebye )'

declare -a DATA="( $( getData ) )"
printf 'DATA: [%q]\n' "${DATA[@]}"
# Prints:
# DATA: [He\'ll\ say\ hi]
# DATA: [or\ \`whoami\`]
# DATA: [and\ then\ \$\(\ byebye\ \)]

Note that the Bash printf builtin is different than the printf utility which comes bundled with most Unix-like operating systems. If, for some reason, the printf command invokes the utility instead of the builtin, you can always execute builtin printf instead.

I guess I didn't RTFM. It can be done like so:


Then echo "$foo_esc" gives the expected 'bar'\''baz'

How I'm actually using it is with a function:

function esc_var {
    local mid_q=\'\\\'\'
    printf '%s' "'${1//\'/$mid_q}'"


foo_esc="`esc_var "$foo"`"

Modifying this to use the printf built-in from Dejay's solution:

function esc_vars {
    printf ' %q' "$@" | cut -b 2-