Escape "> and <"

A quick solution would be to use inline math mode: $<<$``Welcome''$>>$

edit: if you want to preserve formatting, have you considered \textgreater and \textless ?

I don't think the less-than and greater-than signs are that pretty here. You might try instead:

  • $\langle\langle$``Welcome''$\rangle\rangle$ for angle brackets that are narrower and taller than the mathematical relations.
  • \guillemotleft``Welcome''\guillemotright for french quotation marks. Make sure you also have \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} in the preamble.

enter image description here

To be honest I don't think any of those look that pretty, but it is what you asked for. :-D

This may be what you want:

enter image description here





For code listing, you can use listings package:

enter image description here


  literate={<<}{\guillemotleft}1 {>>}{\guillemotright}1




You can modify the literate as you wish.