Existence of subset of reals such that any real number is unique sum of exactly two elements of the subset
Sets $U$ with this property are sometimes called perfect additive bases. As shown in the paper of Sergei Konyagin and myself "The Erdos-Turan problem in infinite groups", any infinite abelian group $G$ with $|2G|=|G|$ possesses such a basis, unless $G$ is the direct sum of a group of exponent $3$ and the group of order $2$. (The condition $|2G|=|G|$ essentially means that $G$ does not have "too many" involutions.)
The usual transfinite construction works. Let $\{r_{\alpha} : \alpha < \mathfrak{c}\}$ list $\mathbb{R}$. Construct $\{U_{\alpha}: \alpha < \mathfrak{c}\}$ by induction on $\alpha$ such that the following hold.
(a) For every $a, b, c, d \in U_{\alpha}$, $a + b = c + d \implies \{a, b\} = \{c, d\}$.
(b) There are $a, b \in U_{\alpha + 1}$ such that $r_{\alpha} = a + b$.
(c) For limit $\alpha$, $U_{\alpha} = \bigcup_{\beta < \alpha} U_{\beta}$.
Then $U = \bigcup_{\alpha < \mathfrak{c}} U_{\alpha}$ is as required. Requirements (a), (c) are trivially satisfied. To ensure (b), at stage $\alpha + 1$, if $r_{\alpha} \notin U + U$, choose $x$ outside the $\mathbb{Q}$-linear span of $U_{\alpha} \cup \{r_{\alpha}\}$ and put $U_{\alpha+1} = U_{\alpha} \cup \{x, r_{\alpha} - x\}$ and note that this does not violate (a).