Export pandas dataframe to SAS sas7bdat format

Python is capable of writing to SAS .xpt format (see for example the xport library), which is SAS's open file format. SAS7BDAT is a closed file format, and not intended to be read/written to by other languages; some have reverse engineered enough of it to read at least, but from what I've seen no good SAS7BDAT writer exists (R has haven, for example, which is the best one I've seen, but it still has issues and things it can't do).

More common than XPT files, though, which can be slow to work with, is to write a CSV and then write a SAS input script in your python/etc. program. That allows you to use variable labels, value labels, types, etc., as you wish very easily; and writing a SAS input script is very easy to do. Many other software packages do this for their preferred method to produce SAS files. This has an additional advantage that it is easily cross-platform - doesn't matter if your SAS program is on a mainframe, UNIX, Windows, etc.; it's all the same.

Edit: If you do have SAS licensed locally, either via a server or local install, another option for exporting Python data to SAS is SASPy, which is a SAS-maintained open source project that allows Python to directly connect to SAS instances and directly send data. (Under the hood, I believe the data is actually transmitted as a CSV most of the time, and then read in using SAS code.) The SAS ODBC driver is also an option, but for Python SASPy will be the easiest option most likely.


