Extending scala case class without constantly duplicating constructors vals?

This solution offers some advantages over the previous solutions:

trait BaseEdge {
  def a: Strl
  def b: Strl
case class Edge(a:Strl, b:Strl) extends BaseEdge
case class EdgeQA(a:Strl, b:Strl, right:Int, asked:Int ) extends BaseEdge

In this way:

  • you don't have redundant vals, and
  • you have 2 case classes.

As the previous commenter mentioned: case class extension should be avoided but you could convert your Edge class into a trait.

If you want to avoid the private statements you can also mark the variables as override

trait Edge{
  def a:Strl
  def b:Strl

case class EdgeQA(override val a:Strl, override val b:Strl, right:Int, asked:Int ) extends Edge

Don't forget to prefer def over val in traits

Starting in Scala 3, traits can have parameters:

trait Edge(a: Strl, b: Strl)
case class EdgeQA(a: Strl, b: Strl, c: Int, d: Int) extends Edge(a, b)

Case classes can't be extended via subclassing. Or rather, the sub-class of a case class cannot be a case class itself.