Externally hosted Javascript is unable to access Visualforce page
It seems, you need to add few of the domains in the whitelisted settings.
As per this Allow the Required Domains :
If you control your users’ or servers’ access to the Internet through allowlists, add these domains to ensure that you receive all Salesforce content.
- *.bluetail.salesforce.com
- *.content.force.com
- *.documentforce.com
- *.force.com
- *.forcesslreports.com
- *.forceusercontent.com
- *.lightning.com
- *.salesforce.com
- *.salesforceliveagent.com (used with Chat, Omni-Channel, and SOS)
- *.salesforce-communities.com (necessary if you’e using Communities or Site.com) trailblazer.me
- *.visualforce.com