ExtJS 4: cloning stores

ExtJS 6.x, 5.x and 4.x solution

Here's a quasi-all ExtJS versions solution. Mind you that record.copy already creates a clone of the data. No need to Ext.clone that again.

function deepCloneStore (source) {
    source = Ext.isString(source) ? Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(source) : source;

    var target = Ext.create(source.$className, {
        model: source.model,

    target.add(Ext.Array.map(source.getRange(), function (record) {
        return record.copy();

    return target;

I did the following successfully in Ext.js 4.1:

var source = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
    fields: ['name', 'age'],
    data: [
        {name: 'foo', age: 20},
        {name: 'boo', age: 30},

In a method:

cloneStore: function (source) {
    var clone = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
        fields: ['name', 'age']

    // load source store data

    return clone;


var clone = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
    fields: ['name', 'age']

ExtJS 3.x solution

Try this:

cloneStore : function(originStore, newStore) {

    if (!newStore) {
        newStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
            model : originStore.model
    } else {

    var records = [], originRecords = originStore.getRange(), i, newRecordData;
    for (i = 0; i < originRecords.length; i++) {
        newRecordData = Ext.ux.clone(originRecords[i].copy().data);
        newStore.add(new newStore.model(newRecordData, newRecordData.id));

    newStore.fireEvent('load', newStore);

    return newStore;

Note: Ext.ux.clone is a separated plugin (you will find it) which makes a deep clone of an object. Maybe, Ext JS 4 provides a familiar thing, I don't know.. I'm using this special clone since Ext JS 3.x

It is possible that it is required to specify the proxy memorywhen creating a new store (I'm not sure right now because I'm using always the "provided" way.

ExtJS 4.x solution

function deepCloneStore (source) {
    var target = Ext.create ('Ext.data.Store', {
        model: source.model

    Ext.each (source.getRange (), function (record) {
        var newRecordData = Ext.clone (record.copy().data);
        var model = new source.model (newRecordData, newRecordData.id);

        target.add (model);

    return target;