ExtJs grid.Panel store: keep scrollbar position after load/reload

Here's how you would use preserveScrollOnRefresh in your Grid :

Ext.define('js.grid.MyGrid', {

    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',

    viewConfig: {
        preserveScrollOnRefresh: true

Here's a JSFiddle which demonstrates this :


However when you select a row it doesn't seem to work quite right. I am not sure if this is a bug.

The 'refresh' event is triggered from this code :


I'm unaware of any other events which trigger a 'refresh'

Additional Notes :

  • I had the Ext.toolbar.Paging as a require. Even though I didn't use it, it screwed up the scroll preserve when I had one or more rows selected, so make sure you remove the Paging from your requires.
  • The scroll preserve does not appear to work if I use the bufferedrenderer plugin on the table at the same time.
  • tablePanel.getView().focusRow(recrow) is also interesting to look at, but also does not work with bufferedrenderer.

Try this bad boy to preserve scroll position on refresh:


This works for me on my tree view.

viewConfig: {
   preserveScrollOnRefresh: true