Extract elements from nested list only using functions from purrr package
The map
functions have some shorthand coding for indexing nested lists. A helpful snippet from the help page:
To index deeply into a nested list, use multiple values; c("x", "y") is equivalent to z[["x"]][["y"]].
So using code for nested indexes along with map_dbl
, which reduces to a vector, you can simply do:
mtcars %>%
split(.$cyl) %>%
map(~lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .)) %>%
map_dbl(c(1, 1))
4 6 8
39.57120 28.40884 23.86803
I also found this blog post introducing purrr 0.1.0 useful, as it gave a few more example of the shorthand coding that I ended up using.