F#: how to elegantly select and group discriminated unions?

you can combine F# reflection with quotations to get generic solution

open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns

type Shape = 
    | Circle of float
    | Rectangle of float * float

let isUnionCase (c : Expr<_ -> 'T>)  = 
    match c with
    | Lambda (_, NewUnionCase(uci, _)) ->
        let tagReader = Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionTagReader(uci.DeclaringType)
        fun (v : 'T) -> (tagReader v) = uci.Tag
    | _ -> failwith "Invalid expression"

let a = 
    [ Circle 5.0; Rectangle (4.0, 6.0)] 
        |> List.filter (isUnionCase <@ Rectangle @>)
printf "%A" a

If you're interested in the different categories of shapes, then it makes sense to define another type that exactly captures them:

type shapeCategory = Circular | Rectangular

let categorize = function
    | Circle _ -> Circular
    | Rectangle _ -> Rectangular

List.exists ((=) Circular) (List.map categorize a)

a |> Seq.groupBy(categorize)

Edit - as suggested by Brian, you can alternatively use active patterns instead of a new type. It works out pretty similarly for your examples, but would extend better to more complicated patterns, while the approach above may be better if you're code often works with the categories, and you want a nice union type for them instead of a Choice type.

let (|Circular|Rectangular|) = function 
    | Circle _ -> Circular
    | Rectangle _ -> Rectangular 

List.exists (function Circular -> true | _ -> false) a

let categorize : shape -> Choice<unit, unit> =  (|Circular|Rectangular|) 
a |> Seq.groupBy(categorize)

