Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command: git.exe ls-remote -h HEAD
Got here much later because of the error mentioned in the question and for new comers, now you should verify your git path at:
Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Git
In my case it didn't have the path to git binary in the PATH
environment variable, so I added: C:\Program Files\Git\bin
to it.
I got the answer...just wanted to post here so that if some new programmer are there (like me) can look the basic things :-
While going in the project--> Configure--> set the path of the git correctly.
It should be till the bin and then append git.exe like *\bin\git.exe
In my case this issue happened because of there is no git installed on my CentOS server.
- sudo yum install git
- git --version
After installing git i just make sure that my Global Tool Configuration default pointed to git Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Git
- Name : Default
- Path to Git executable : git
just posting this may help you in case of similar issue you had