Fast calculation of Pareto front in Python

If you're worried about actual speed, you definitely want to use numpy (as the clever algorithmic tweaks probably have way less effect than the gains to be had from using array operations). Here are three solutions that all compute the same function. The is_pareto_efficient_dumb solution is slower in most situations but becomes faster as the number of costs increases, the is_pareto_efficient_simple solution is much more efficient than the dumb solution for many points, and the final is_pareto_efficient function is less readable but the fastest (so all are Pareto Efficient!).

import numpy as np

# Very slow for many datapoints.  Fastest for many costs, most readable
def is_pareto_efficient_dumb(costs):
    Find the pareto-efficient points
    :param costs: An (n_points, n_costs) array
    :return: A (n_points, ) boolean array, indicating whether each point is Pareto efficient
    is_efficient = np.ones(costs.shape[0], dtype = bool)
    for i, c in enumerate(costs):
        is_efficient[i] = np.all(np.any(costs[:i]>c, axis=1)) and np.all(np.any(costs[i+1:]>c, axis=1))
    return is_efficient

# Fairly fast for many datapoints, less fast for many costs, somewhat readable
def is_pareto_efficient_simple(costs):
    Find the pareto-efficient points
    :param costs: An (n_points, n_costs) array
    :return: A (n_points, ) boolean array, indicating whether each point is Pareto efficient
    is_efficient = np.ones(costs.shape[0], dtype = bool)
    for i, c in enumerate(costs):
        if is_efficient[i]:
            is_efficient[is_efficient] = np.any(costs[is_efficient]<c, axis=1)  # Keep any point with a lower cost
            is_efficient[i] = True  # And keep self
    return is_efficient

# Faster than is_pareto_efficient_simple, but less readable.
def is_pareto_efficient(costs, return_mask = True):
    Find the pareto-efficient points
    :param costs: An (n_points, n_costs) array
    :param return_mask: True to return a mask
    :return: An array of indices of pareto-efficient points.
        If return_mask is True, this will be an (n_points, ) boolean array
        Otherwise it will be a (n_efficient_points, ) integer array of indices.
    is_efficient = np.arange(costs.shape[0])
    n_points = costs.shape[0]
    next_point_index = 0  # Next index in the is_efficient array to search for
    while next_point_index<len(costs):
        nondominated_point_mask = np.any(costs<costs[next_point_index], axis=1)
        nondominated_point_mask[next_point_index] = True
        is_efficient = is_efficient[nondominated_point_mask]  # Remove dominated points
        costs = costs[nondominated_point_mask]
        next_point_index = np.sum(nondominated_point_mask[:next_point_index])+1
    if return_mask:
        is_efficient_mask = np.zeros(n_points, dtype = bool)
        is_efficient_mask[is_efficient] = True
        return is_efficient_mask
        return is_efficient

Profiling tests (using points drawn from a Normal distribution):

With 10,000 samples, 2 costs:

is_pareto_efficient_dumb: Elapsed time is 1.586s
is_pareto_efficient_simple: Elapsed time is 0.009653s
is_pareto_efficient: Elapsed time is 0.005479s

With 1,000,000 samples, 2 costs:

is_pareto_efficient_dumb: Really, really, slow
is_pareto_efficient_simple: Elapsed time is 1.174s
is_pareto_efficient: Elapsed time is 0.4033s

With 10,000 samples, 15 costs:

is_pareto_efficient_dumb: Elapsed time is 4.019s
is_pareto_efficient_simple: Elapsed time is 6.466s
is_pareto_efficient: Elapsed time is 6.41s

Note that if efficiency is a concern you can gain maybe a further 2x or so speedup by reordering your data beforehand, see here.

The definition of dominates is incorrect. A dominates B if and only if it is better than or equal to B on all dimensions, and strictly better on at least one dimension.

Peter, nice response.

I just wanted to generalise for those who want to choose between maximisation to your default of minimisation. It's a trivial fix, but nice to document here:

def is_pareto(costs, maximise=False):
    :param costs: An (n_points, n_costs) array
    :maximise: boolean. True for maximising, False for minimising
    :return: A (n_points, ) boolean array, indicating whether each point is Pareto efficient
    is_efficient = np.ones(costs.shape[0], dtype = bool)
    for i, c in enumerate(costs):
        if is_efficient[i]:
            if maximise:
                is_efficient[is_efficient] = np.any(costs[is_efficient]>=c, axis=1)  # Remove dominated points
                is_efficient[is_efficient] = np.any(costs[is_efficient]<=c, axis=1)  # Remove dominated points
    return is_efficient

Updated Aug 2019

Here is another simple implementation that is pretty fast for modest dimensions. Input points are assumed to be unique.

def keep_efficient(pts):
    'returns Pareto efficient row subset of pts'
    # sort points by decreasing sum of coordinates
    pts = pts[pts.sum(1).argsort()[::-1]]
    # initialize a boolean mask for undominated points
    # to avoid creating copies each iteration
    undominated = np.ones(pts.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    for i in range(pts.shape[0]):
        # process each point in turn
        n = pts.shape[0]
        if i >= n:
        # find all points not dominated by i
        # since points are sorted by coordinate sum
        # i cannot dominate any points in 1,...,i-1
        undominated[i+1:n] = (pts[i+1:] >= pts[i]).any(1) 
        # keep points undominated so far
        pts = pts[undominated[:n]]
    return pts

We start by sorting points according to the sum of coordinates. This is useful because

  • For many distributions of data, a point with a largest coordinate sum will dominate a large number of points.
  • If point x has a larger coordinate sum than point y, then y cannot dominate x.

Here are some benchmarks relative to Peter's answer, using np.random.randn.

N=10000 d=2

1.31 ms ± 11.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
6.51 ms ± 23.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

N=10000 d=3

2.3 ms ± 13.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
16.4 ms ± 156 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

N=10000 d=4

4.37 ms ± 38.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
21.1 ms ± 115 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

N=10000 d=5

15.1 ms ± 491 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
110 ms ± 1.01 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

N=10000 d=6

40.1 ms ± 211 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
279 ms ± 2.54 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

N=10000 d=15

3.92 s ± 125 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
5.88 s ± 74.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Convex Hull Heuristic

I ended up looking at this problem recently and found a useful heuristic that works well if there are many points distributed independently and dimensions are few.

The idea is to compute the convex hull of points. With few dimensions and independently distributed points, the number of vertices of the convex hull will be small. Intuitively, we can expect some vertices of the convex hull to dominate many of the original points. Moreover, if a point in a convex hull is not dominated by any other point in the convex hull, then it is also not dominated by any point in the original set.

This gives a simple iterative algorithm. We repeatedly

  1. Compute the convex hull.
  2. Save Pareto undominated points from the convex hull.
  3. Filter the points to remove those dominated by elements of the convex hull.

I add a few benchmarks for dimension 3. It seems that for some distribution of points this approach yields better asymptotics.

import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial
from functools import reduce

# test points
pts = np.random.rand(10_000_000, 3)

def filter_(pts, pt):
    Get all points in pts that are not Pareto dominated by the point pt
    weakly_worse   = (pts <= pt).all(axis=-1)
    strictly_worse = (pts < pt).any(axis=-1)
    return pts[~(weakly_worse & strictly_worse)]

def get_pareto_undominated_by(pts1, pts2=None):
    Return all points in pts1 that are not Pareto dominated
    by any points in pts2
    if pts2 is None:
        pts2 = pts1
    return reduce(filter_, pts2, pts1)

def get_pareto_frontier(pts):
    Iteratively filter points based on the convex hull heuristic
    pareto_groups = []

    # loop while there are points remaining
    while pts.shape[0]:
        # brute force if there are few points:
        if pts.shape[0] < 10:

        # compute vertices of the convex hull
        hull_vertices = spatial.ConvexHull(pts).vertices

        # get corresponding points
        hull_pts = pts[hull_vertices]

        # get points in pts that are not convex hull vertices
        nonhull_mask = np.ones(pts.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        nonhull_mask[hull_vertices] = False
        pts = pts[nonhull_mask]

        # get points in the convex hull that are on the Pareto frontier
        pareto   = get_pareto_undominated_by(hull_pts)

        # filter remaining points to keep those not dominated by
        # Pareto points of the convex hull
        pts = get_pareto_undominated_by(pts, pareto)

    return np.vstack(pareto_groups)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# previous solutions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def is_pareto_efficient_dumb(costs):
    :param costs: An (n_points, n_costs) array
    :return: A (n_points, ) boolean array, indicating whether each point is Pareto efficient
    is_efficient = np.ones(costs.shape[0], dtype = bool)
    for i, c in enumerate(costs):
        is_efficient[i] = np.all(np.any(costs>=c, axis=1))
    return is_efficient

def is_pareto_efficient(costs):
    :param costs: An (n_points, n_costs) array
    :return: A (n_points, ) boolean array, indicating whether each point is Pareto efficient
    is_efficient = np.ones(costs.shape[0], dtype = bool)
    for i, c in enumerate(costs):
        if is_efficient[i]:
            is_efficient[is_efficient] = np.any(costs[is_efficient]<=c, axis=1)  # Remove dominated points
    return is_efficient

def dominates(row, rowCandidate):
    return all(r >= rc for r, rc in zip(row, rowCandidate))

def cull(pts, dominates):
    dominated = []
    cleared = []
    remaining = pts
    while remaining:
        candidate = remaining[0]
        new_remaining = []
        for other in remaining[1:]:
            [new_remaining, dominated][dominates(candidate, other)].append(other)
        if not any(dominates(other, candidate) for other in new_remaining):
        remaining = new_remaining
    return cleared, dominated

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# benchmarking
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# to accomodate the original non-numpy solution
pts_list = [list(pt) for pt in pts]

import timeit

# print('Old non-numpy solution:s\t{}'.format(
    # timeit.timeit('cull(pts_list, dominates)', number=3, globals=globals())))

print('Numpy solution:\t{}'.format(
    timeit.timeit('is_pareto_efficient(pts)', number=3, globals=globals())))

print('Convex hull heuristic:\t{}'.format(
    timeit.timeit('get_pareto_frontier(pts)', number=3, globals=globals())))


# >>= python # 1,000 points
# Old non-numpy solution:      0.0316428339574486
# Numpy solution:              0.005961259012110531
# Convex hull heuristic:       0.012369581032544374
# >>= python # 1,000,000 points
# Old non-numpy solution:      70.67529802105855
# Numpy solution:              5.398462114972062
# Convex hull heuristic:       1.5286884519737214
# >>= python # 10,000,000 points
# Numpy solution:              98.03680767398328
# Convex hull heuristic:       10.203076395904645

Original Post

I took a shot at rewriting the same algorithm with a couple of tweaks. I think most of your problems come from inputPoints.remove(row). This requires searching through the list of points; removing by index would be much more efficient. I also modified the dominates function to avoid some redundant comparisons. This could be handy in a higher dimension.

def dominates(row, rowCandidate):
    return all(r >= rc for r, rc in zip(row, rowCandidate))

def cull(pts, dominates):
    dominated = []
    cleared = []
    remaining = pts
    while remaining:
        candidate = remaining[0]
        new_remaining = []
        for other in remaining[1:]:
            [new_remaining, dominated][dominates(candidate, other)].append(other)
        if not any(dominates(other, candidate) for other in new_remaining):
        remaining = new_remaining
    return cleared, dominated


