Fast Method for Numerically Integrating Bessel Functions over Finite Range

Well, there is no magical solution just because bessel-functions are involved.

But we can do the gold old brute-force-like testing. So lets define the measure Function:


And because we don't like to interpret 3D we use a simple ListPlot approach:

ListLinePlot[Transpose[ParallelTable[MeasureTimeForInteg[#,k,n1,n2,m],{m,methods}]&/@Range[1,maxL]],PlotRange->All,PlotLegends->(ToString/@methods),FrameLabel->{"l","time"},PlotLabel->{k,n1,n2}, PlotTheme -> "Scientific"]

You can already see, that i selected only a few methods which should be suitable in one or another way.

So we can look at the graphs for special values:


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So we see, the best results in terms of time used comes from the "GlobalAdaptive"-Method while the plain Automatic and "LevinRule" also makes a decent job.

Therefore I would use GlobalAdaptive. It gives you the best performance out of them all.

The Gauss rule converges rapidly as the number of sample points increases, as does the Clenshaw-Curtis rule. I would try using "GaussBerntsenEspelidRule" with a heuristic that increases the number of points as the number of oscillations increases. This rule has a poor error estimator, so it's best to turn off recursion (MaxRecursion -> 0) and manage error manually. Below is a proof of concept:

integ[l_, k_, n1_, n2_] := 
   x Tanh[x] BesselJ[l + k, x bjz[l + k, n1]] BesselJ[l, x bjz[l, n2]],
   {x, 0, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 0, 
   Method -> {"GlobalAdaptive", "SymbolicProcessing" -> 0, 
     Method -> {"GaussBerntsenEspelidRule", 
       "Points" -> Round[9 + (l + k + n1 + n2)/2]}}];

Here is a test of the concept. Warning: It takes a long time to compute the "exact" integrals used for comparing the Gauss rule ones.

timings = ParallelTable[
   First@AbsoluteTiming[(Quiet@integ[l, k, n1, n2] - exact)/exact],
   {l, 1, 100, 33}, {k, 2}, {n1, 1, 100, 33}, {n2, 10, 100, 30}];
errors = ParallelTable[
    exact = 
      x Tanh[x] BesselJ[l + k, x BesselJZero[l + k, n1]] BesselJ[l, x BesselJZero[l, n2]],
      {x, 0, 1}, WorkingPrecision -> 32];
    (Quiet@integ[l, k, n1, n2] - exact)/exact
   {l, 1, 100, 33}, {k, 2}, {n1, 1, 100, 33}, {n2, 10, 100, 30}];

Here is a visualization of the timings and relative error:

  Histogram[res[[All, All, All, All, 1]] // Abs // Flatten, 
   PlotLabel -> "Timings"],
  Histogram[res[[All, All, All, All, 2]] // Abs // Flatten // Log10, 
   PlotLabel -> "Log10 rel. error"]}]

Mathematica graphics

The maximum timing and relative error are:

timings // Max
(*  0.104274  *)

errors // Abs // Max
(*  6.94594*10^-9  *)