Fast ways to import drawables in Android Studio?

This became a lot easier since Android Studio 3.4. Simply go to the Resource Manager-tab and click the little add-button add resources to the module. [add button within resource manager[1]

Then select the drawables you would like to import. If you placed the drawables in folders with the same name like the qualifiers (drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi. drawable-xhdpi and so on), the tool will automatically know were to add them. drawables import dialog

The only thing still missing in my opinion is adding the drawables to a certain flavorDimension.

Check android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin

My Answer on Jan 16, 2017.

Two years later, Android Studio has a way to import Image Assets. But I wanted to add a new comment. Android now supports Vectors, so we don't have to worry about different resolutions. I suggest to use Vector and VectorDrawable.

Just right click your app name in the Project -> New -> Vector Asset.

Just follow the wizard.

Best regards, Pedro.

My Answer on Feb 18, 2015.

If I don't misunderstood, this is what I do in my Android Studio (AS) projects.

I found out that we only need to import the highest resolution resource; AS will scale them for you. I ask my designers to only generate xxhdpi files and then.

You go to your /res folder in the Project navigator, right click and select New -> Image Asset

Asset Studio will pop up

In there you can,

  • Select your asset type

[ Launcher Icon, Action bar icons, Notification icons ]

  • Browse you original file
  • Name your resource

After you have completed all the information. Your resource will be imported in AS.

As a general note. For inner icons other than the launcher icons, I selected as type "launch icon", and they work perfectly.

Hope this help.

Best, Pedro.