Fastest way to calculate a 128-bit integer modulo a 64-bit integer

Perhaps you're looking for a finished program, but the basic algorithms for multi-precision arithmetic can be found in Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2. You can find the division algorithm described online here. The algorithms deal with arbitrary multi-precision arithmetic, and so are more general than you need, but you should be able to simplify them for 128 bit arithmetic done on 64- or 32-bit digits. Be prepared for a reasonable amount of work (a) understanding the algorithm, and (b) converting it to C or assembler.

You might also want to check out Hacker's Delight, which is full of very clever assembler and other low-level hackery, including some multi-precision arithmetic.

This is almost untested partly speed modificated Mod128by64 'Russian peasant' algorithm function. Unfortunately I'm a Delphi user so this function works under Delphi. :) But the assembler is almost the same so...

function Mod128by64(Dividend: PUInt128; Divisor: PUInt64): UInt64;
//In : eax = @Dividend
//   : edx = @Divisor
//Out: eax:edx as Remainder
//Registers inside rutine
//Divisor = edx:ebp
//Dividend = bh:ebx:edx //We need 64 bits + 1 bit in bh
//Result = esi:edi
//ecx = Loop counter and Dividend index
  push    ebx                     //Store registers to stack
  push    esi
  push    edi
  push    ebp
  mov     ebp, [edx]              //Divisor = edx:ebp
  mov     edx, [edx + 4]
  mov     ecx, ebp                //Div by 0 test
  or      ecx, edx                
  jz      @DivByZero
  xor     edi, edi                //Clear result
  xor     esi, esi
//Start of 64 bit division Loop
  mov     ecx, 15                 //Load byte loop shift counter and Dividend index
@SkipShift8Bits:                  //Small Dividend numbers shift optimisation
  cmp     [eax + ecx], ch         //Zero test
  jnz     @EndSkipShiftDividend
  loop    @SkipShift8Bits         //Skip 8 bit loop
  test    edx, $FF000000          //Huge Divisor Numbers Shift Optimisation
  jz      @Shift8Bits             //This Divisor is > $00FFFFFF:FFFFFFFF
  mov     ecx, 8                  //Load byte shift counter
  mov     esi, [eax + 12]         //Do fast 56 bit (7 bytes) shift...
  shr     esi, cl                 //esi = $00XXXXXX
  mov     edi, [eax + 9]          //Load for one byte right shifted 32 bit value
  mov     bl, [eax + ecx]         //Load 8 bits of Dividend
//Here we can unrole partial loop 8 bit division to increase execution speed...
  mov     ch, 8                   //Set partial byte counter value
  shl     bl, 1                   //Shift dividend left for one bit
  rcl     edi, 1
  rcl     esi, 1
  setc    bh                      //Save 65th bit
  sub     edi, ebp                //Compare dividend and  divisor
  sbb     esi, edx                //Subtract the divisor
  sbb     bh, 0                   //Use 65th bit in bh
  jnc     @NoCarryAtCmp           //Test...
  add     edi, ebp                //Return privius dividend state
  adc     esi, edx
  dec     ch                      //Decrement counter
  jnz     @Do65BitsShift
//End of 8 bit (byte) partial division loop
  dec     cl                      //Decrement byte loop shift counter
  jns     @Shift8Bits             //Last jump at cl = 0!!!
//End of 64 bit division loop
  mov     eax, edi                //Load result to eax:edx
  mov     edx, esi
  pop     ebp                     //Restore Registers
  pop     edi
  pop     esi
  pop     ebx
  xor     eax, eax                //Here you can raise Div by 0 exception, now function only return 0.
  xor     edx, edx
  jmp     @RestoreRegisters

At least one more speed optimisation is possible! After 'Huge Divisor Numbers Shift Optimisation' we can test divisors high bit, if it is 0 we do not need to use extra bh register as 65th bit to store in it. So unrolled part of loop can look like:

  shl     bl,1                    //Shift dividend left for one bit
  rcl     edi,1
  rcl     esi,1
  sub     edi, ebp                //Compare dividend and  divisor
  sbb     esi, edx                //Subtract the divisor
  jnc     @NoCarryAtCmpX
  add     edi, ebp                //Return privius dividend state
  adc     esi, edx

If your B is small enough for the uint64_t + operation to not wrap:

Given A = AH*2^64 + AL:

A % B == (((AH % B) * (2^64 % B)) + (AL % B)) % B
      == (((AH % B) * ((2^64 - B) % B)) + (AL % B)) % B

If your compiler supports 64-bit integers, then this is probably the easiest way to go. MSVC's implementation of a 64-bit modulo on 32-bit x86 is some hairy loop filled assembly (VC\crt\src\intel\llrem.asm for the brave), so I'd personally go with that.

You can use the division version of Russian Peasant Multiplication.

To find the remainder, execute (in pseudo-code):

X = B;

while (X <= A/2)
    X <<= 1;

while (A >= B)
    if (A >= X)
        A -= X;
    X >>= 1;

The modulus is left in A.

You'll need to implement the shifts, comparisons and subtractions to operate on values made up of a pair of 64 bit numbers, but that's fairly trivial (likely you should implement the left-shift-by-1 as X + X).

This will loop at most 255 times (with a 128 bit A). Of course you need to do a pre-check for a zero divisor.