fatal: Authentication failed
Make sure your git credential helper is declared to your local Git:
git config credential.helper
If the output is empty, type:
git config --global credential.helper manager
Then try again.
However, the OP AskYous correctly pinpoint another issue in the comment:
Can I tell it what my username is?
I think my username is my email address, because I use my organization account to sign in.
In that case, the URL would be:
Note the @
of the email must be percent-encoded.
Note that using a PAT (Personal Access Token) is an alternative mentioned by the OP, and mandatory if you have 2FA activated.
Update June 2019: This question was referenced in microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Mac-and-Linux
issue 104, which just got closed with a comment from John Briggs from Microsoft:
I'd recommend trying GCM Core's macOS preview release
Maksym Pecheniuk points out in the comments:
solution for IntelliJ Idea: "Git IntelliJ "Authentication Failed”"
What solved my issue was:
Create the repository from https://dev.azure.com/
From the repository view, create your credentials with
Now in the console you can clone your repository by changing the url that azure provides you initialy as
git clone https://<companyname>@dev.azure.com/<companyname>/<project name>/_git/<repository name>
git clone https://<your credentials name>@dev.azure.com/<companyname>/<project name/_git/<repository name>
now it will ask you for a password. You must use the one you provided when you created the credentials.
A solution I found is to use a personal access token (PAT). It's located in the "clone" tab. It worked very easily.