file name matching with wildcard

For wildcard name matching using '*' and '?' try this (if you want to avoid boost, use std::tr1::regex):

#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>

using std::string;

bool MatchTextWithWildcards(const string &text, string wildcardPattern, bool caseSensitive /*= true*/)
    // Escape all regex special chars

    // Convert chars '*?' back to their regex equivalents
    boost::replace_all(wildcardPattern, "\\?", ".");
    boost::replace_all(wildcardPattern, "\\*", ".*");

    boost::regex pattern(wildcardPattern, caseSensitive ? regex::normal : regex::icase);

    return regex_match(text, pattern);

void EscapeRegex(string &regex)
    boost::replace_all(regex, "\\", "\\\\");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "^", "\\^");
    boost::replace_all(regex, ".", "\\.");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "$", "\\$");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "|", "\\|");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "(", "\\(");
    boost::replace_all(regex, ")", "\\)");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "{", "\\{");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "{", "\\}");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "[", "\\[");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "]", "\\]");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "*", "\\*");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "+", "\\+");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "?", "\\?");
    boost::replace_all(regex, "/", "\\/");

Here's my attempt at this.

It's "C++", but I've deliberately kept it almost completely C-compatible.
All you need to do in order to convert it to C is to remove the template section and change Pattern and Text to something like char const *.

// TEST THIS before use! I've only done limited testing.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

template<class Pattern, class Text>
bool wildcard(
    Pattern const pat_begin, Pattern const pat_end,
    Text text_begin, Text const text_end)
    ptrdiff_t const pat_size = pat_end - pat_begin;
    ptrdiff_t stackbuf[64];
    size_t c = sizeof(stackbuf) / sizeof(*stackbuf);
    ptrdiff_t *p = stackbuf;
    size_t n = 0;
    p[n++] = 0;
    while (n > 0 && text_begin != text_end)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (p[i] == pat_size)
                p[i--] = p[--n];
            switch (*(pat_begin + p[i]))
            case '?': ++p[i]; break;
            case '*':
                ptrdiff_t off;
                off = p[i];
                while (off < pat_size &&
                    *(pat_begin + off) == '*')
                { ++off; }
                if (n == c)
                    ptrdiff_t const *const old = p;
                    c *= 2;
                    if (c == 0) { ++c; }
                    size_t const size = c * sizeof(*p);
                    p = (ptrdiff_t *)realloc(
                        old == stackbuf ? NULL : p,
                    if (old == stackbuf)
                    { memcpy(p, old, n * sizeof(*old)); }
                p[n++] = off;
                if (*(pat_begin + p[i]) == *text_begin)
                { ++p[i]; }
                else { p[i--] = p[--n]; }
    bool success = false;
    if (text_begin == text_end)
        while (!success && n > 0)
            while (p[n] != pat_size &&
                *(pat_begin + p[n]) == '*')
            { ++p[n]; }
            if (p[n] == pat_size)
            { success = true; }
    if (p != stackbuf) { free(p); }
    return success;

bool wildcard(char const *const pattern, char const *const text)
    return wildcard(
        pattern + (pattern ? strlen(pattern) : 0),
        text + (text ? strlen(text) : 0));

bool wildcard(wchar_t const *const pattern, wchar_t const *const text)
    return wildcard(
        pattern + (pattern ? wcslen(pattern) : 0),
        text + (text ? wcslen(text) : 0));

Of course, feel free to use the code in any way you want. :)

There are quite a few such functions around. Here's a directory of various implementations, sorted into recursive and non-recursive, etc.

In case you don't like the licensing there (or have trouble with the link, etc.) here's one possible implementation of a matching algorithm that at least closely approximates what Windows uses:

#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

bool match(char const *needle, char const *haystack) {
    for (; *needle != '\0'; ++needle) {
        switch (*needle) {
        case '?': 
            if (*haystack == '\0')
                return false;
        case '*': {
            if (needle[1] == '\0')
                return true;
            size_t max = strlen(haystack);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < max; i++)
                if (match(needle + 1, haystack + i))
                    return true;
            return false;
            if (*haystack != *needle)
                return false;
    return *haystack == '\0';

#ifdef TEST

#include "catch.hpp"

TEST_CASE("Matching", "[match]") {
    REQUIRE(match("a", "a") == true);
    REQUIRE(match("a", "b") == false);
    REQUIRE(match("a*", "a") == true);
    REQUIRE(match("a?", "a") == false);
    REQUIRE(match("a?", "ab") == true);
    REQUIRE(match("a*b", "ab") == true);
    REQUIRE(match("a*b", "acb") == true);
    REQUIRE(match("a*b", "abc") == false);
        "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") == true);


Since there was a discussion of complexity of some of the other answers, I'll note that I believe this has O(NM) complexity and O(M) storage use (where N is the size of the target string, and M is the size of the pattern).

With @masterxilo's test pair:

"*a*??????*a*?????????a???????????????", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

...this finds a match in approximately 3 microseconds on my machine. That is a lot slower than a typical pattern--most of my other tests run in about 300 nanoseconds or so on this particular machine.

At the same time, @masterxilo's code takes approximately 11 microseconds to run on the same machine, so this is still around 3 to 4 times faster (not to mention being somewhat smaller and simpler).

Have a look at the POSIX functions fnmatch, glob, and wordexp.