Fill in a form with jQuery

All the answers are the exact same so I thought I'd post something different:

var inputs_to_values = {
    'coordX_0' : 'some value',
    'coordY_0' : 'some other value',
    'edit_0'   : 'N',
    'remove_0' : '_',
    'add_0'    : '-',
    'go_0'     : 'stop?'
$('#form_coord_0').find('input').val(function (index, value) {
    return inputs_to_values[];

You can pass .val() a function, whatever is returned from the function for each element will be the new value:

A function returning the value to set.

this is the current element.

Receives the index position of the element in the set and the old value as arguments.


The above code expects that each input will have a property in the inputs_to_values object so you can convert the ID of the input to the new value for that input.

Here is a demo:

You can use the val() function to set input values


Incidentally, your original code could be made to work by setting value property on the actual, underlying dom element. You access the dom element by indexing your jQuery results:

$("#coordX_0")[0].value = 123;  



