Filter on array text[] and sort on timestamp

General considerations

Index optimization always depends on the complete picture. Table size, row size, cardinalities, value frequencies, selectivity of typical queries, Postgres version, typical access patterns, etc.

Your case is particularly difficult for two reasons:

  1. Different columns used in WHERE and ORDER BY.
  2. Filter on array is most efficient with GIN or GiST index, but neither index type produces sorted output. The manual:

    Of the index types currently supported by PostgreSQL, only B-tree can produce sorted output — the other index types return matching rows in an unspecified, implementation-dependent order.

You can create a multicolumn GIN index on (tags, maker_date) or even more columns (the order of index columns is irrelevant for GIN indexes). But you need to have the additional module btree_gin installed. Instructions:

  • Inner join using an array column

And it's not going to help for the ORDER BY component of your problem.

One more clarification: OFFSET m LIMIT n is typically almost as expensive as LIMIT m+n.

Solution for added specifications

You clarified: only 6 distinct tags possible. That's crucial.

Your table is big and your table definition leaves room for improvements. Size matters for big tables. Your numbers (30 GB, 10 million rows) also suggest a big avg. row size of ~ 3 KB. Either you have more columns than you show or table bloat and need a VACUUM FULL run (or similar) or your value column is big and TOASTed, which would make my improvements even more effective since the main relation is cut down to half its size or less with this:

CREATE TABLE tags_tmp (
  id         int PRIMARY KEY -- assuming PK
, tags       int NOT NULL    -- also assuming NOT NULL
, value      text
, maker_date timestamp NOT NULL  -- NOT NULL!

The order of columns is relevant because of alignment padding. Details:

  • Configuring PostgreSQL for read performance

More importantly, this: tags int. Why?

Arrays have a sizeable overhead of 24 byte (similar to a row), plus actual items.

  • Calculating and saving space in PostgreSQL

So a text[] with 1-6 items like you demonstrate ('funny', 'inspiration', ...) occupies ~ 56 bytes on avg. And 6 distinct values can be represented by only 6 bits of information (assuming that sort order of the array is irrelevant). We could compress even more, but I chose the convenient integer type (occupies 4 bytes), which provides space for up to 31 distinct tags. That leaves room for later additions without changes to the table schema. Detailed rationale:

  • Should I use the PostgreSQL bit string?

Your tags map to bits in a bitmap, 'a' being the least significant bit (to the right):

tag:       a | b | c | d |  e |  f
position:  0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |  4 |  5
int value: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32

So the tag array '{a,d,f}' maps to 41. You can use any arbitrary strings instead of 'a'-'f', doesn't matter.

To encapsulate the logic I suggest two auxiliary functions, easily expandable:

tags -> integer:

SELECT bit_or(CASE x
            WHEN 'a' THEN  1
            WHEN 'b' THEN  2
            WHEN 'c' THEN  4
            WHEN 'd' THEN  8
            WHEN 'e' THEN 16
            WHEN 'f' THEN 32
            -- more?
FROM    unnest ($1) x

integer -> tags:

  RETURNS text[] AS
SELECT array_remove(ARRAY [CASE WHEN $1 &  1 > 0 THEN 'a' END
                         , CASE WHEN $1 &  2 > 0 THEN 'b' END
                         , CASE WHEN $1 &  4 > 0 THEN 'c' END
                         , CASE WHEN $1 &  8 > 0 THEN 'd' END
                         , CASE WHEN $1 & 16 > 0 THEN 'e' END
                         , CASE WHEN $1 & 32 > 0 THEN 'f' END], NULL)
                         -- more? 

Basics here:

  • Can I convert a bunch of boolean columns to a single bitmap in PostgreSQL?

For convenience, you can add a view to display tags as text array like you had it:

CREATE VIEW tags_tmp_pretty AS
SELECT id, tags
     , f_int2tags(tags) AS tags_pretty
     , maker_date, value
FROM   tags_tmp;

Now your basic query can be:

SELECT id, tags, maker_date, value
FROM   tags_tmp
WHERE  tags & f_tags2int('{a,b}') > 0  -- any of the tags matched
ORDER  by maker_date DESC

Using the binary AND operator &. There are more operators to manipulate the column. get_bit() and set_bit() from the binary string operators are also convenient.

The above query should be faster already, for the smaller size and cheaper operators alone, but nothing revolutionary, yet. To make it fast we need indices, and the above cannot use an index, yet.

One partial index for every tag:

CREATE INDEX foo_tag_a ON tags_tmp(maker_date DESC) WHERE tags & 1 > 0;
CREATE INDEX foo_tag_b ON tags_tmp(maker_date DESC) WHERE tags & 2 > 0;
CREATE INDEX foo_tag_f ON tags_tmp(maker_date DESC) WHERE tags & 32 > 0;

This query is equivalent to the above, but can utilize the indexes:

FROM   tags_tmp_pretty
WHERE (tags & f_tags2int('{a}') > 0   -- same as tags & 1
    OR tags & f_tags2int('{e}') > 0)  -- same as tags & 32
ORDER  BY maker_date DESC
LIMIT  10;

Postgres can combine several bitmap index scans in a BitmapOr step very efficiently - as demonstrated in this SQL Fiddle.

You could add another index condition to limit indexes to maker_date > some constant timestamp (and repeat the verbatim condition in queries) to cut down their size (massively). Related example:

  • Index optimization with dates

More sophisticated:

  • Add datetime constraint to a PostgreSQL multi-column partial index

Other related answers:

  • How to speed up ORDER BY sorting when using GIN index in PostgreSQL?

  • Can spatial index help a "range - order by - limit" query

Or just 6 boolean columns ...

Simply 6 boolean columns might be an even better choice. There are some pros & cons to either solution ...

CREATE TABLE tags_tmp (
  id         int PRIMARY KEY -- assuming PK
, tag_a      bool 
, tag_b      bool 
, tag_f      bool 
, value      text
, maker_date timestamp NOT NULL  -- NOT NULL!

You might define the flags NOT NULL, depending on your complete use case.


  • Should I use the PostgreSQL bit string?

Partial indexes simply:

CREATE INDEX foo_tag_a ON tags_tmp(maker_date DESC) WHERE tag_a;
CREATE INDEX foo_tag_b ON tags_tmp(maker_date DESC) WHERE tag_b;


Alternative for your special case

Thinking some more, since all of your few tags are so common, and combining multiple tags with OR is even less selective, it will be fastest to only have a btree index on maker_date DESC. Postgres can traverse the index and filter qualifying rows on tags. This will work in combination with separate boolean columns instead of the array or encoded integer, because Postgres has more useful columns statistics for separate columns.

CREATE INDEX tags_tmp_date ON tags_tmp(maker_date DESC);

And then:

FROM   tags_tmp_pretty
WHERE  tag_a
   OR  tag_b
ORDER  BY maker_date DESC
LIMIT  10;


You need an unambiguous sort order for result sets, to make paging work. I did not bother in this answer, it's too long already. Typically you would add more columns to ORDER BY. How to make paging work efficiently with that:

  • Optimize query with OFFSET on large table