Filter out rows with more than certain number of NaN

The following should work


See the online docs

What we are doing here is dropping any NaN rows, where there are 2 or more non NaN values in a row.


In [25]:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,NaN,4,5], 'b':[NaN,2,NaN,4,5], 'c':[1,2,NaN,NaN,NaN], 'd':[1,2,3,NaN,5]})



    a   b   c   d
0   1 NaN   1   1
1   2   2   2   2
2 NaN NaN NaN   3
3   4   4 NaN NaN
4   5   5 NaN   5

[5 rows x 4 columns]

In [26]:



   a   b   c   d
0  1 NaN   1   1
1  2   2   2   2
3  4   4 NaN NaN
4  5   5 NaN   5

[4 rows x 4 columns]


For the above example it works but you should note that you would have to know the number of columns and set the thresh value appropriately, I thought originally it meant the number of NaN values but it actually means number of Non NaN values.

You have phrased 2 slightly different questions here. In the general case, they have different answers.

I would like to keep only those rows where at least 2 columns have finite values.

df = df.dropna(thresh=2)

This keeps rows with 2 or more non-null values.

I would like to filter out all the rows that have more than 2 NaNs

df = df.dropna(thresh=df.shape[1]-2)

This filters out rows with 2 or more null values.

In your example dataframe of 4 columns, these operations are equivalent, since df.shape[1] - 2 == 2. However, you will notice discrepancies with dataframes which do not have exactly 4 columns.

Note dropna also has a subset argument should you wish to include only specified columns when applying a threshold. For example:

df = df.dropna(subset=['col1', 'col2', 'col3'], thresh=2)