Filtering pivot table columns, only count if

Yes, you can add a filter to a pivot report by selecting a cell that borders the table (but is outside the pivot area) and choosing Filter from the Data tab.

To add a filter to just the Count Of column select the cell above and the cell containing the title and then choose the Filter option from the menus as shown...

enter image description here

To only count data if it fulfills a certain condition, I think you would need to add another column called OK to the source data, with a formula like IF(Status="OK",1,0). Then add this to the pivot table layout. [Note: there is a calculated field option for pivot tables but it only seems to work as you would expect if data is displayed - in this case status would need to be showing.]

That's not working on my Excel 365. Try selecting the 1st field on the first row then:

  • r-click
  • filter
  • value filters...

  1. Left click on any row items drop-down carrot
  2. Click 'value filter'
  3. Choose value filter ('equals', 'greater than', etc)
  4. Choose value field item you'd like it to filter on (eg 'count of days' from the image i can see in the original question)

You can also do it via the right click options as @kztd mentioned