Find all elements with width larger than xxx and output them to console
I suggest you to have a look in your browser's developer console. For example, Firefox can display you a nice 3D view!
If you really want to enumerate all elements whose width are greater than x in JavaScript, use this:
$("*").each(function() {
if ($(this).width() > 100) {
console.log(this.tagName + "#" +;
Use document.body.clientWidth
for x if you want to compare against the body's visible width.
To get window width simply use:
So to use ComFreek's example, to loop through elements wider than your window width you would write is like this:
$("*").each(function() {
if ($(this).width() > $(window).width()) {
console.log(this.tagName + "#" +;
JS Code to find elements larger than window width, use in browser console:
var maxWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
function(el) {
if (el.offsetWidth > maxWidth) {
if still this give you haddache, use a bit of extreme css:
body {
overflow-x: hidden;