Find component by ID in JSF
You can use the following code:
public UIComponent findComponent(final String id) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
UIViewRoot root = context.getViewRoot();
final UIComponent[] found = new UIComponent[1];
root.visitTree(new FullVisitContext(context), new VisitCallback() {
public VisitResult visit(VisitContext context, UIComponent component) {
if (component != null
&& id.equals(component.getId())) {
found[0] = component;
return VisitResult.COMPLETE;
return VisitResult.ACCEPT;
return found[0];
This code will find only the first component in the tree with the id
you pass. You will have to do something custom if there are 2 components with the same name in the tree (this is possible if they are under 2 different naming containers).
I try this code, and it's help:
private static UIComponent getUIComponentOfId(UIComponent root, String id){
return root;
if(root.getChildCount() > 0){
for(UIComponent subUiComponent : root.getChildren()){
UIComponent returnComponent = getUIComponentOfId(subUiComponent, id);
if(returnComponent != null){
return returnComponent;
return null;