FindAsync and Include LINQ statements

If you are using a generic repository and you don't know the PK at runtime, this approach can help:

public interface IGenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
    Task<TEntity> Get(int id, string[] paths = null);

public class GenericRepository<TEntity> : IGenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
    private readonly DbSet<TEntity> _dbSet;

    public GenericRepository(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;
        _dbSet = _context.Set<TEntity>();

    public async Task<TEntity> Get(int id, string[] paths = null)
        var model = await _dbSet.FindAsync(id);
        foreach (var path in paths)
        return model;

The simplest is to use FirstOrDefaultAsync or SingleOrDefaultAsync instead:

model.Item = await db.Items.Include(i => i.ItemVerifications)
    .FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == id.Value);

The reason you are getting the error is because Find / FindAsync methods are defined for DbSet<T>, but the result of Include is IQueryable<T>.

Another way is to combine FindAsync with explicit loading:

model.Item = await db.Items.FindAsync(id);
if (model.Item == null)
    return HttpNotFound();
await db.Entry(model.Item).Collection(i => i.ItemVerifications).LoadAsync();    

When you program using solid principles and domain design then use generics. The Repository pattern uses a generic class. I pass a lambda express to the GetObjectsQueryable function. I have setup lazy loading to be on, using code first handle bars. However, I am moving away from lazy loading and implement a microservice architecture. The include table is a string and you can use the nameof(xxclass) function to ensure the correct name. The function returns and IQueryable results. The repository class methods can be used by its derived class enhance the method is protected. This is a dotnet.core demonstration.

public class Repository
    where T : class
    public IQueryable<T> GetObjectsQueryable(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string includeTable="")
        IQueryable<T> result = _dbContext.Set<T>().Where(predicate);
        if (includeTable != "")
            result = result.Include(includeTable);

        return result;