finding coordinates to the end point of an arc
You can construct the coordinate C
first and then \filldraw
the whole figure in one sweep.
(9.7,-3) coordinate(D)
arc [radius=4.7, start angle=360, end angle=315] coordinate(C);
\filldraw[fill=red, draw=red]
arc [radius=4.7, start angle=315, end angle=360]
-- (0.3,-3) coordinate(A)
arc [radius=4.7, start angle=180, end angle=225] coordinate(B);
Or you can compute the coordinates of (C)
\newcommand\R{4.7}% radius
\newcommand\A{45}% angle
\filldraw[fill=red, draw=red]
(0.3,-3) coordinate (A)
arc [radius=\R, start angle=180, end angle={180+\A}] coordinate (B)
-- ({5+\R*cos(\A)},{-3-\R*sin(\A)}) coordinate (C)
arc [radius=\R, start angle={360-\A}, end angle=360] coordinate (D);
Or you can let tikz compute the coordinates.
\newcommand\R{4.7}% radius
\newcommand\A{45}% angle
\coordinate (M) at (5,-3);
\coordinate (A) at ($(M)+(180:\R)$);
\coordinate (B) at ($(M)+({180+\A}:\R)$);
\coordinate (C) at ($(M)+({360-\A}:\R)$);
\coordinate (D) at ($(M)+(360:\R)$);
\filldraw[fill=red, draw=red]
(A) arc [radius=\R, start angle=180, end angle={180+\A}]
-- (C) arc [radius=\R, start angle={360-\A}, end angle=360];
My trigonometry knowledge doesn't allow me to compute the height of the figure, but if you know how to do it, you can use it to clip a circle:
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry}
\clip (0.3,-3) rectangle (9.7,-6.34);
\fill[red] (5,-3) circle(4.7);
Update 1:
refreshed my trigonometry and provided the solution:
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry}
%radius*sin(225-180) = 4.7/sqrt(2) = 3,3234018
\clip (0.3,-3) rectangle (9.7,-6.323);
\fill[red] (5,-3) circle(4.7);
Update 2:
And StefanH
lets to TikZ calc
library to compute the height for us:
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry}
\usetikzlibrary{calc} %<---- Load calc library
\clip (0.3,-3) rectangle ({(9.7,-3)} |- {$(5,-3)+(315:4.7)$});
\fill[red] (5,-3) circle(4.7);